1. Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewels set in-just the colour to wear in her beautiful hair.

2. Workmen put in a proper drainage system and supplied pure drinking water.

3. The pure office of poetry is ever to idealize.

4. The room was painted pure white.

5. An ocean of blue above, a blanket of pure white below.

6. ´It´s hair gel.´ Then I added with a smile,

7. And to ensure the populations were "pure", the study was confined to groups that were in their present locations as of 1492, before the first major movements from Europe began — in effect, a genetic photo of the world when Columbus sailed f

8. I lost your file by pure mischance.
    我把你的文件弄没了, 纯粹是碰上的倒霉事.